14 Jan
Rastafari is not a religion / formal religion, but Rastafari is a "movement" or also referred to as a "way of life". Although the God who has called Jah, Rastafari ill have a holy book like the Qur'an within Islam, within the Gospel within Christianity or Judaism Tanakh.
The teachings of Rastafari movement itself took many Jewish and Christian religions dr.
Some verses from the Bible and the Tanakh became an important basis for this movement. Revelation: 5, Revalation 22:7, Psalm 87:4-6; who became the foundation for Marcus Garvey to do the oracle and then bring up the figure of Haile Selassie I as the reincarnation of God.
Genesis 1:11, Genesis 1:29, Genesis 3:18, Proverbs 15:17, Psalms 104:14, Revelation 22:2 is a verse-verse used by Rastafarians to legitimize the use of marijuana as part of the process of meditation dr. "When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself" - Bob Marley.
Even if there are books (the book) who is considered as the basic foundation or dr grip Rastafari movement, such as: The Holy Piby, King James Bible, The Promised Key, and Kebra Negast; it seems to me ill be called Scripture as 'pure' dr Rastafari movement - a word from the Lord who was born from the cult of Haile Selassie I as the messianic figure.
Books (books) that I mentioned above, except the King James Bible, many sourced from the Old Testament and New Testament. Pertinent Old Testament scriptures of the Jews, who dsebut Tanakh (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Psalm, Proverbs) are associated with the New Testament scriptures Christians (Gospel: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
The Promised Key and The Holy Piby may be described such as David Ricardo's book "On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation" to understand the capitalist or the book "The Communist Manifesto" in the communist ideology by Karl Marx. A book: the basic foundation, the handle; but not the Bible.
Book (the book) contains the history of the Kebra Negast empire of Abyssinia (Ethiopia), meeting King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, and Menelik I. Who's The Promise Key contains the doctrine of the Haile Selassie I as Jah, Lord of Lords; Jesus is a black man; Black Supremacy; Repatriation to the Ethiopian Zion; and the fight against babylon. Not much different from what is written in the book (the Book) The Holy Piby.
A Rastafarian Did you?
Enjoy evening, Yoo Maann.
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