JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - rock group from Bandung, Coil made a bold move. They finally decided to join the mainstream record companies (major label). Even so, they promised not to abandon their idealistic.
Vocalist Koil, Otong, say, joining Nagaswara coil with record companies hope to nurture hope to be able to restore the golden era of rock music Indonesia after re-releasing the album Backlight, the candidate "I Forgot I wound" as the hits singles.
"Our decision to join the major label because we want to be known widely by the public. So it is programmed for the promo," said Otong (vocals) in Jakarta.
Coil, which started out with indie labels, claims must be desperate to join a major label in order to maintain the existence of musical and also spread its wings. Even so, the coil guarantees remained an idealist in carrying the rock. "I was 'traitor' baseball but I feel guilty for it. Just my concern with people who discuss it," press Otong. Otong representing Doni (guitar), Imo (Bass), Leon (drums), has predicted that the decision to join a major label would make their fans disappointed. "We know our fans are certainly disappointed with our ideals. We just want you to know that we have a baseball grip indie, indie grip us is that we do everything yourself," Otong algebra. He believes even now with the company recording Koil Nagaswara, his band will be able to maintain quality music. "We believe that good music is to like a lot of people and we expect it," said Otong. "Mr. Rahayu (producer Nagaswara) also does not require us to have such and such. So all the creativity is in our hands," concluded Otong.
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